Monday, November 25, 2013

Rare baby dinosaur skeleton discovered in Canada

Canadian archeologists this week unearthed a rare toddler skeleton of a rhinoceros-like dinosaur. According to the on-site archeologists who made the discovery,  the baby dinosaur, which looks like something out of the Land Before Time, was only 3 and a half years old when it wandered out into a nearby river and drowned almost 70 million years ago. further reported that the dinosaur skeleton was nearly perfectly preserved and intact when it was discovered, with the exception of a few limbs which seem to have been taken by sink holes in the earth. Apparently, the carcass was so well preserved that some of the dinosaur's skin left an impression on a nearby rock.

As someone who is very interested in Science and Archeology, it never fails to amaze me what our Earth has hidden beneath the dust and dirt. 

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