Thursday, November 21, 2013

Holiday 'Console War' Expected To Be Fought Mainly On the Walmart & Best Buy Front

November 21, 2013

Last Friday marked the beginning of a new generation in video game console history with the release of Sony's PlayStation 4 in North America. With over 1 million units already reportedly having been sold for the console, rival Microsoft crosses its fingers and hopes to even the score this Friday with its release of the new Xbox One.

With having only released in one continent so far, many industry analysts and economists are already heralding a sound victory for Sony; asserting that the Japanese tech company has already created too big a gap for Microsoft to keep up. However, that could change in the coming weeks as Black Friday steadily creeps up on consumer's wallets.

According to an article by BGR, a popular tech news website, this new generation's "Console War" could be much closer than previous iterations. This time around, the price battle will be mainly contested in Wal-Marts and Best Buys the world over. With big companies constantly vying for the most sales and market shares, the electronics market increasingly becomes the main source of competition among retailers. Although consumer electronic spending is up for the third consecutive year, many studies indicate that this coming Christmas many consumers would rather spend their money on new houses and cars rather than electronics. Many stores this season will be looking to compete and price match deals found online at such vendors like Amazon and Ebay, all consumers will have to do is request it. 

For me personally, I'm more of a PlayStation guy, so that's probably the console I'll pick up this holiday season.

For more information and analysis:

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