Monday, November 25, 2013

Overall Summary

Overall, in the past five days, I have had innumerable "contacts" or encounters with many types of media, such as TV, Radio, Newspaper, Social Media, such as Twitter and Facebook, and the Internet. In my blog posts I tried to blog about things that I found interesting or that other people might find interesting on a myriad of different topics ranging from consumer electronics, celebrity real estate, human interest, politics, and science.

From what I've seen and have really experienced so far, is that with the 24/hr seven days a week, internet driven, instantaneous news cycle, there's just simply too many things happening and being reported around the world to possibly keep up. On alone, a popular forum and news  website, there are around 50 news stories being posted each day, some that are local, others international. Reporters in today's modern age are in a real dog fight to stay at the center of things and to provide the most interesting, and followed/watched/read/visited news program, blog or website.

Journalists now a days must really be versatile and be able to market themselves and their stories and opinions across all mediums.

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