Monday, November 25, 2013

Overall Summary

Overall, in the past five days, I have had innumerable "contacts" or encounters with many types of media, such as TV, Radio, Newspaper, Social Media, such as Twitter and Facebook, and the Internet. In my blog posts I tried to blog about things that I found interesting or that other people might find interesting on a myriad of different topics ranging from consumer electronics, celebrity real estate, human interest, politics, and science.

From what I've seen and have really experienced so far, is that with the 24/hr seven days a week, internet driven, instantaneous news cycle, there's just simply too many things happening and being reported around the world to possibly keep up. On alone, a popular forum and news  website, there are around 50 news stories being posted each day, some that are local, others international. Reporters in today's modern age are in a real dog fight to stay at the center of things and to provide the most interesting, and followed/watched/read/visited news program, blog or website.

Journalists now a days must really be versatile and be able to market themselves and their stories and opinions across all mediums.

Rare baby dinosaur skeleton discovered in Canada

Canadian archeologists this week unearthed a rare toddler skeleton of a rhinoceros-like dinosaur. According to the on-site archeologists who made the discovery,  the baby dinosaur, which looks like something out of the Land Before Time, was only 3 and a half years old when it wandered out into a nearby river and drowned almost 70 million years ago. further reported that the dinosaur skeleton was nearly perfectly preserved and intact when it was discovered, with the exception of a few limbs which seem to have been taken by sink holes in the earth. Apparently, the carcass was so well preserved that some of the dinosaur's skin left an impression on a nearby rock.

As someone who is very interested in Science and Archeology, it never fails to amaze me what our Earth has hidden beneath the dust and dirt. 

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Flamin' Hot Stomach

As someone who has eaten many a delicious bag of Flamin' hot Cheetos, I for one know first hand just how addictive the little crunchy red snacks can be. Apparently, parents of many children across America were unaware of the dangerous addictiveness of the cheetos, and are having to take their kids to the emergency room for stomach problems. reported this week that many parents across the United States are having to rush their children to the emergency room, for what doctors are describing as "inflamed stomach linings". Supposedly, kids are eating so many of the Flamin' Hot Cheetos at once that it is actually causing an imbalance of their natural pH levels in their stomachs, resulting in inflammation of the stomach lining.

Yikes, looks like I'll be sticking to my hot n' spicy pork rinds.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Looking For a New House? Basketball Superstar Michael Jordan Might Just Have the Pad You're Looking For

 Basketball legend and sports icon Michael Jordan has announced this week that after 15 years of living in his palatial residence in Highland Park, Illinois, he has decided finally move out and put the enormous estate up for auction.

A Short video by Concierge Auctions was posted on YouTube, and shows many prolific shots of the mega-star's mega mansion. For a  small fee of $29 million, Jordan's personal compound, which sits on 7.4 acres of land, is 56,000 square ft, and features an infinity pool with an island oasis, a gigantic wine cellar, cigar lounge room, and a full size, NBA regulate basketball court, can be yours.

For me personally, if I had the money it would be a no-brainer; a chance to live in a small secluded kingdom, which was also designed and lived in by the greatest basketball player to ever play the game? I'm sold.

Friday, November 22, 2013

50 Years Today

Today, November 22, 2013, marks the 50th anniversary since those infamous rifle shots echoed out in Dealey Plaza. 50 years have gone by since Lee Harvey Oswald took aim at the presidential motorcade from the 6th floor of the Texas School Book Depository, and forever immortalized the legacy of John Fitzgerald Kennedy in the American political conscience.

As what always happens when Kennedy's name is mentioned among historians and writers, is the debate about whether or not JFK is deserving of his enduring legend in the mind of a lot of Americans. Critics are always prompt to point out the lack of major legislation passed under Kennedy's administration, and the mistakes he made such as the Bay of Pigs invasion. This year marking the 50th anniversary of the assassination, this has also been combined with a lot of discussion on where JFK's probable second term would have taken America had he lived to see it. Would he have sent ground troops to Vietnam? Would he have signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964? Many of these types of questions and sentiments can be summed up in articles such as, We Don't Need Another JFK  by Michael Kazin of The New Republic.

Overall, majority of the consensus among many pundits and historians is that JFK's legacy was helped greatly by his unintentional martyrdom at the hands of Oswald. However, no one mentions what President Kennedy really brought to the White House and gave to the American People, and the real reason for which he is still popular among people today: a vision.

The most important thing that President Kennedy accomplished during his short tenure as president was the creation of a vision for America.  By initiating the space race and giving speeches such as the one he made at the American University, Kennedy gave the American public inspiration to reach for the stars, become better citizens, and was a symbol of the new freedom of the 1960s.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Holiday 'Console War' Expected To Be Fought Mainly On the Walmart & Best Buy Front

November 21, 2013

Last Friday marked the beginning of a new generation in video game console history with the release of Sony's PlayStation 4 in North America. With over 1 million units already reportedly having been sold for the console, rival Microsoft crosses its fingers and hopes to even the score this Friday with its release of the new Xbox One.

With having only released in one continent so far, many industry analysts and economists are already heralding a sound victory for Sony; asserting that the Japanese tech company has already created too big a gap for Microsoft to keep up. However, that could change in the coming weeks as Black Friday steadily creeps up on consumer's wallets.

According to an article by BGR, a popular tech news website, this new generation's "Console War" could be much closer than previous iterations. This time around, the price battle will be mainly contested in Wal-Marts and Best Buys the world over. With big companies constantly vying for the most sales and market shares, the electronics market increasingly becomes the main source of competition among retailers. Although consumer electronic spending is up for the third consecutive year, many studies indicate that this coming Christmas many consumers would rather spend their money on new houses and cars rather than electronics. Many stores this season will be looking to compete and price match deals found online at such vendors like Amazon and Ebay, all consumers will have to do is request it. 

For me personally, I'm more of a PlayStation guy, so that's probably the console I'll pick up this holiday season.

For more information and analysis: